This category of visa may be used by foreign representatives of the media (foreign press, film and other information media) for the execution of media projects in the United States. The visa will not be issued to representatives of film production and distribution unless the material is informational or educational in nature.
The I visa beneficiary must be entering the states to engage solely in the particular media vocation.
There must be reciprocity of this category of workers between the United States and the foreign country. The UK has established such a program with the USA.
The visa holder may be admitted for the duration of the work to be executed in the United States. There is no limitation on the amount of extensions, thus the beneficiary may remain in the states indefinitely. The visa is extended in one year instalments.
The spouse and child under 21 and unmarried may accompany or follow to join the principal visa holder and may remain in the states for as long as the I visa beneficiary is in status.